As a business owner, you know that first impressions are everything. Your lobby is the gateway to your business, where clients form their initial opinions about your company. With that in mind, now is the perfect time to reimagine what your lobby can be: a space that not only welcomes but also engages your visitors from the moment they step in.

Why Your Lobby Matters

At ADLocal Value, we understand that your lobby is more than just a waiting area—it’s an extension of your brand. It’s the first point of contact your clients have with your business, so you want to create the right atmosphere: clean, uncluttered, comfortable. But did you know your lobby can do more? Creating a warm, inviting atmosphere is crucial, but your lobby can also showcase your brand’s identity, communicate your values, and even drive additional revenue.

Introducing the ALV Carousel

At ADLocal Value, we recognize that the time your clients spend in your lobby is valuable. It’s a time when they have few distractions, and their attention is often fully available. Rather than put a few magazines or brochures on a table, this presents a unique opportunity to tell them something about your business—without being intrusive or overbearing. The ALV Carousel can do this for you.


The ALV Carousel is an advertising program that plays on a television screen in your lobby. But it’s not just a series of advertisements. The carousel is a dynamic blend of engaging, humorous, and personalized content interspersed with short animated ads. This innovative approach transforms the typical waiting experience into something unique and memorable. Your visitors will be entertained and informed without being bombarded with noise and distractions.

How the ALV Carousel Can Elevate Your Lobby or Waiting Area

  1. Engaging Content:

The ALV Carousel features a mix of quotes, jokes, and interesting facts, as well as short advertisements for other local business, creating a dynamic and engaging environment for clients of any age. This content is visually engaging as well as informative, and often sparks conversations, turning a routine wait into a memorable interaction. It’s not just about filling time—it’s about creating a pleasant experience.


  1. Demonstrating Care:

By curating content that educates and amuses your clients, the ALV Carousel shows that you care about them as people, not just customers. The carousel is designed specifically for keeping them engaged without a lot of noise or disruption. It demonstrates a thoughtful approach that values their time, which is a far cry from trying to distract them so they don’t fret about how much time they are spending waiting. Our carousels leave a positive impression long after your customers have left your establishment. 


  1. Passive Income:

Hosting an ALV Carousel in your lobby is a win-win. Not only does it enhance the overall experience for your clients, but it also provides your business with an additional revenue stream. The ads featured on the carousel from other business can generate passive income to you, helping to boost your bottom line without any extra effort on your part.


  1. Self-Promotion:

The ALV Carousel isn’t just for promoting other business—it’s also a powerful tool for promoting your own brand. ALV hosts are given their own ad spots to feature your company’s messages, values, personal bios, and other offerings directly on the carousel, ensuring that your clients are reminded of all the goods or services you offer and who you are.

Reinvent Your Lobby

Rethink your lobby space. By incorporating the ALV Carousel, you can transform your lobby into a place that not only welcomes clients but engages them meaningfully.  At ADLocal Value, we’re here to help you reinvent your lobby area so that you can build trust and connections with your clients while simultaneously earning a little extra income. Ready to make the change? Contact us today, and let’s get started creating a lobby experience that genuinely reflects your brand and resonates with your clients.